About this month sales

Discussion started by 3Design3D

Hi everyone,

There is a serious decrease in my model sales this month, how is the situation with you? what do you think is the reason for this?



Posted over 1 year ago

Everyone has a best and a worst month every year.
And they are most likely different months every year.
The way the market works is not linear and not uniform.
I wouldn't read too much into it.

Posted over 1 year ago

Yes, there is a serious drop in sales this month. You are not alone.

Posted over 1 year ago

My sales and downloads are similar to previous months. However, I had a significant drop in June . I guess btbt is right. Do not feel bad or anything, keep up the good work !

Posted over 1 year ago

i've got no sales last december, but this month i've got 2 sales, it really is unpredictable

Posted over 1 year ago

Same issue.

There is not only a sgnificant drop, this month is by far the worst month since years.

and that not only for me and on CGT, on RenderHub same issue for many vendors that normally are selling approximative the same ammounts of items every month. They say the drop this January is extreme!

The irony is, in this month I worked every day (also on weekends) like 20 hours per day on better presentations by creating and uploading over 20 GB of turntable videos - rendering hundreds of new product renders in high resolution - decreased or tweaked prices - improved descriptions - improved keywords - done a hell of work in SEM and SEO above all on Vimeo - and more. So, it should be exactly other way around this month - sales should be higher than in last months - but are significantly lower - but it cannot be explained with "my laziness".

It feels like, so much work and sacrifices for nothing.

However, I keep the faith and you all should too.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Well, there's no irony in that. This is just an example of how the 80/20 rule works or rather what happens if you do not follow this rule in your work.
RealtimeModels wrote
Content for the"20%" was always there (also in this month) and was even more than strongly improved. Also despite the improvement the price was even decreased. So, tell me more about "not following your 80/20 rule". And, if I would take your 80/20 rule seriously than I would say what matters is to get the "80%" customers from Turbosquid switched to CGT, who still buy same quality at 300% over there. I don´t care about 20% buyers who still buy "generic rocks" in 100000000000000 versions on CGT.
RealtimeModels wrote
Also, some poeple would argue with the correctness of your 80/20 rule that is by the way from 1906. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/80-20-rule-wrong-very-jeff-yentis
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
If the work takes 20 hours every day and there is no result, sales do not increase, the problem is not in the seasonal decline in demand and not in problems with the world economy, the problem is the complete lack of work optimization. If you pump muscles every day, it will not lead to rapid growth and great success, but to a hospital bed. Learning to play the guitar for 12 hours a day won't make you a 2nd Satriani, but more likely to lead to hand injuries. Optimization and planning for both work and leisure are very important for success.
RealtimeModels wrote
"If the work takes 20 hours every day and there is no result, sales do not increase" Because it is a time investment that is needed in order to build up a portfolio and to prepare renderings. How long do your 3D work take? 20 minutes?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I would definitely not spend so much time on rendering. In addition, what can do so much time given that for a long time there have been such engines as Redshift, Octane and Eevee that render very fast. For example there is a store https://www.armorhead.store and as you can see, the renders there are very simple, despite the fact that the author of these models can create a render of any complexity.
RealtimeModels wrote
20 hours is not about rendering itself, I create 2-3 x video turntables per asset, because not every asset is suitbale for Marmoset Toolbag viewers, and I noticed that buyers like generally something dynamic or rendered in 360°. I also can assume you that Toolbag is the fastest standalone render tool even with a GTX 1070. But there is also a lot of offpage SEO in that 20 hours per asset, keywording, link building, domain management, and so much more. I don´t have 3 years to build a portfolio, I work already on a series of models on one workstation, and with the other hand I work on that other stuff. i am organized and have a vision how the portfolio has to be presented. Also, in past months many buyers buyed my stuff even despite relative poor presentation. So coming back to the initial question of 3Design3D, I only can once more agree with him/her that this month is simply terrible in terms of sales.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Well, the presentation by the way you have is quite good. I think if you participated in the RenderHub render contest you could easily take the prize. If you add to such a variety of textures the same number of different models of helicopters, sales will definitely grow. Good luck.
RealtimeModels wrote
"I think if you participated in the RenderHub render contest you could easily take the prize." - No chance for me, because only naked DAZ girls win over there, no matter which contest. And I am a no-no-DAZ guy and not able to create such slutty Barbies with DAZ.
Posted over 1 year ago

and if you buy then don't leave a review :/

Posted over 1 year ago

I know what you say! but after taking a look at the sales, actually until the 14th everything went quite well, after that I did notice a decrease in sales.

Posted over 1 year ago

I think that january (especially the 1th half of the month) is always slower on sales. Probably it is relatively early after Christmas and New year. I expect more sales at the end of the month.

Posted over 1 year ago

My monthly income from posted models on this site is enormously small.

Posted over 1 year ago

Ok month so far here! Did put everything on sale for this month tho....we're as in previous months I hadn't. Assumed it maybe a slow month.......have no evidence for this but seemed logical after the christmas period!

Posted over 1 year ago

I noticed this too. I haven't sold model in last 11 days. I usually sell model every 3-5 days on average. Something seems to have changed after the last update that happened at that time.

Posted over 1 year ago

I also see dumping prices are massively increasing (maybe even because of the massive sales drop this month). Looking at "Top Selling" lowpoly models in example you will notice everything is on massive sale with averaged 50% up to 70% on page 1. And the averaged price now is something around $5 on page 1. Doing high quality for $5 resulting in $3 on the end of artist´s pocket just to sell something, starts to be problematic. Welcome on Artstation #2.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Incorrect to compare or give an example Artstation because there one item is usually sold with different licenses and price can be from 10$ to 200$ and not only 5 or 10$.
RealtimeModels wrote
Does not matter at all. Even worther for CGT to see it your way. Because most of those lowpoly items displayed on page 1 sorted by "Top selling" on CGT at $5-10 are already offered with the Royalty free licence. Btw, I see a lot of items at $1-2 on Artstation. And when picking better licence for these "top selling blockbusters..........." there, it changes to $5-8 and just in rare cases to the 3rd or 6th of this price. However, we agree that we have different opinions (as always^^)
Posted over 1 year ago



so what is that?

RealtimeModels wrote
LOL :-) exactly, just 1 simple example. And now, WHAT remains in artist´s pocket after Paypal fees, transaction fees, taxes, and what not. Questinmark^^
RealtimeModels wrote
The 5-th best selling game asset there: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/0OP5/mars-model-pack-8k-32bit-terrain-7-posed-characters-rover
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Have you been looking for a long time? https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/kxjAA/basemeshes-kit https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/XKq8A/820-daily-sketching-female-reference-pictures https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/JwBVK/easyfog-for-unreal-engine-5 https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/2a2d9/female-anatomy-base-mesh https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/9ebm2/ultimate-gun-and-weapon-smart-materials-for-substance-3d-painter Will we continue to argue which items with which licenses are more? Well-well.
RealtimeModels wrote
"Will we continue to argue which items with which licenses are more? Well-well." Terrible examples. https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/kxjAA/basemeshes-kit Who in this world would buy a man and women "base meshes" at $300??? Also, a standard licence on Artstation seems to be very equal to Royalty free on CGT. No need to argue anything about.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I will reveal to you a terrible secret, there are sites on which base meshes are sold at an even higher price https://www.3dscanstore.com/base-mesh-3d-models-and-textures/ultimate-male-female-base-mesh but really of course authors these models do not understand anything about prices and value formation.
RealtimeModels wrote
There is a market for everything, I don´t doubt it. And these particular base meshes on 3dscanstore.com look likethey have great topo. But does Poser i.e. has bad topo base meshes, which every one can export to obj? Allthat stuff is debatable and does not change the fact, that I wrote about sale drops this month that come now evidently as seen on page 1 with massive sales and promotions in addition. Looks like panic
Posted over 1 year ago


OK. he offers it to promote his tutorial which he sells. he wanted to offer it for free. But! there are enough other examples, violent.

Posted over 1 year ago


OK. he offers it to promote his tutorial which he sells. he wanted to offer it for free. But! there are enough other examples, violent.

Posted over 1 year ago

@jaguar p....

ah, that's the trick, i looked at game asset

Posted over 1 year ago

Mine too. But i got 2 sales in this month. Same item with 2 different purchase price. I dont know why

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